The Aquatic Life Support Systems at Fish Mart  “Clearly” Better"

We think we’ve done a decent job of verbally extolling the virtues of these new systems over the last several months - and now we want you to really see them. For those on the far reaches of our service area, photos may have to suffice, but for those nearby, we extend a cordial invitation to come see and appreciate this latest technological advancement in livestock maintenance.

Most significant are the comments from walk-in customers who regularly or on an occasional basis buy from us this way. Without exception, I think the first word out of every mouth is “WOW”! Unanimously, everyone is impressed and says so. Just the way these systems LOOK is phenomenal – the room housing most of the new systems is now suddenly bright and open. The fish are right at eye level, looking very healthy, and with their colors just popping out at you. The tanks are easier to pick from. And watching the filtration system at work is mesmerizing. 

With the advanced aquatic life support systems our holding capacity and fish quality have become even better! Always care and quality conscious, we’re seeing some dramatic improvements. We’ve done fish loss comparative analyses on every one of the fish types, from pre and post installation. The result is a statistically significant increase in the number of fish we keep healthy and happy. You’re encouraged to come on in and check these new systems out! The technology truly is state-of the-art, with application not only in our business but all of aquaculture. 

The other nemesis that plagued us (here more than at retail pet stores, generally) – humidity – is resolved. After months of research and discussions, we’ve installed 7 dehumidifiers located strategically throughout the warehouse. This has not only reduced maintenance work in our facility, but has provided us- and our walk-in customers- a more normal atmosphere and air quality that is far more pleasant to work in.







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